Intro C Dressage Test 2019
This helps to ensure that the horse and rider build the strong foundation required for the skills needed at higher levels.
Intro c dressage test 2019. INTRODUCTION TO DRESSAGE TEST 19 (m x 40m Arena) The Test Max. To be deducted Errors of the course and omissions are penalized 1st Time = 2 points 2nd Time = 4 points 3rd Time = Elimination SUBTOTAL:. Dressage NZ acknowledges the USEF, USDF and the EFA/Dressage Australia and the Dressage Directory for their assistance in the production of the 19 ESNZ Dressage Tests and diagrams from Introductory through to Level 6.
This unique series of tests provides an opportunity for the horse and/or rider new to dressage to demonstrate elementary skills. The tests have been designed to encourage correct. Free Printable Diagrams of 19 EA Dressage Tests also caller sheets, Downloadable & Printable Free for personal use - Movements are the as USEF / USDF 19 tests adapted for Australia - Diagrams & Caller sheets courtesy of The Dressage Directory - Movements reprinted with the kind permission of EA/USDF/USEF for educational and non-commercial uses.
Test C introduces a small amount of canter work. Maintaining responsible safety standards;. Those of you traveling to Florida soon will be showing these tests starting December 1 of this year.
And registering qualified competitions and clinics, the USEA offers a strong and continuous training opportunity for. NOVICE DRESSAGE TEST 19 (m x 40m Arena) The Test Max. 19 ( meters x 60 meters) INTRODUCTORY LEVEL – TEST A WALK—TROT USDF INTRODUCTORY LEVEL TEST A This unique series of tests provides an opportunity for the horse and/or rider new to dressage to demonstrate elementary skills.
19 USDF Intro Test C;. 19 usef training level test 1 United States Equestrian Federation (USEF) and United States Dressage Federation (USDF) Reroduced it ermission o USDF 19 United States Dressae Federation (USDF) and United States Euestrian Federation (USEF) All rits resered Reroduction itout. (- ) TOTAL POINTS:.
Working trot, working canter, medium walk, free walk, m circles in trot and canter Instructions:. USDF’s “On the Levels” will continue to provide examples of the new Introductory through Fourth Level dressage tests. A Enter in working trot and proceed down the centre line without halting.
NAWD collectives place added recognition on the importance of the rider position and use of aids and allow EVERY horse to succeed.;. PURPOSE:Tointroduce the rider and/or horse tothe sport of I NO. Linda Currie “L” Secretary:.
They contain mainly straight lines and m circles in medium walk, free walk and rising trot. 19 USEF Training Level Test 2 7. 19 USEF TRAINING LEVEL TEST 2.
The tests, called in real time, are accompanied by the beat of a metronome. USDF 19 Introductory Tests A-B-C USEF 15 Training – Second Rider Test USEF 19 Training 1-3 USEF 19 First 1-3 USEF. 19 USDF Introductory Level Test B 4.
Patt Star Points Championship Points championship 19_.pdf Adobe Acrobat document 160.5 KB British Dressage Introductory A (08) BD Introductory A 08.pdf Adobe Acrobat document 808.9 KB British Dressage Introductory B *To Follow* British Dressage Introductory C (16). The tests have been designed to encourage correct performance and to prepare the horse for the transition to the. A C M Enter at working trot and proceed down centre line without halting.
The 19 tests are effective from 12/1/18 to 11/30/22. USEF / WDAA Western Dressage Tests. Please note that EC and/or the Provincial/Territorial Sport Organizations (PTSOs) are required to pay a copyright fee for the use of national-level dressage tests (Introductory to Fourth Level).
They may not be posted on a website. September 4, — Closing Date:. 19 INTRODUCTORY LEVEL – TEST B WALK—TROT USDF INTRODUCTORY LEVEL TEST B This unique series of tests provides an opportunity for the horse and/or rider new to dressage to demonstrate elementary skills.
All tests exhibit the working walk, working jog and free walk. 19 INTRODUCTORY LEVEL – TEST C WALK—TROT—CANTER USDF INTRODUCTORY LEVEL TEST C This unique series of tests provides an opportunity for the horse and/or rider new to dressage to demonstrate elementary skills. These tests can be used for training or showing purposes.
E Circle left meters, working trot rising 4. Dressage Test User Fee. The tests are designed to encourage correct performance and to prepare the horse and/or rider for the transition to the USEF tests.
A review of the Eventing Dressage Tests has resulted in the creation of this set of Tests. Young Horse & Pony tests. Balance and fluency of transition.
18 USEA TOC (Combined Training Tests) 7. (Max Points:400) United States Equestrian Federation, Inc. Between H & C Working trot rising 8.
Turn right, between X and E transition to medium walk. The USEA is a non-profit 501(c)(3), educational organization committed to providing eventing enthusiasts with a competitive level suited to their individual skills. The Introductory Level Western Dressage is comprised of 4 tests.
19 USEF First Level Test 2. Dressage tests serve as a measure of the horse and rider’s schooling. View & Download Tests FEB 12, 19 WDAA TESTS UPDATE (*) (*) WDAA has made a few minor revisions to the Western Dressage tests.
Tadpoles – Preliminary Dressage Tests:. Tadpole* 19 USDF Intro Test A, Western Dressage Intro Level 1;. Quality of trot, regularity and tempo.
All post goes First Class. Tests A & B include walk and trot work. Regularity and even tempo.
Therefore, a Dressage Test User Fee is applied for competitions using EC National Dressage Tests. 290) United States Equestrian Federation, Inc. 19 USDF Introductory Test B 5.
To confirm that the horse demonstrates correct basics, is supple and moves freely forward in a clear rhythm with a steady tempo, accepting contact with the bit Introduces:. 19 USDF Intro Test B;. The 13 tests are now obsolete.
Western Dressage Rules and Tests are based in Dressage fundamentals and showcase applications for the Working Western Horse. Please note that all test sheets are available by post only. ESNZ Dressage Tests updated to Version 19 on 1/8/19.
Introductory test C has approximately 1/2 to 3/4 of a meter canter circle in each direction. This division consists of the 19 USDF Introductory Tests A, B and C, and provides an opportunity for the horse and/or rider new to dressage to demonstrate elementary skills. Not for commercial use.
C Track left, working trot rising 3. Toshow understanding ofriding the horse forward Medium walk with asteady tempo into anelastic contact with independent, f-Working trot rising steady hands and acorrectly balanced seat. NAWD tests are designed to be ridden in the small or large dressage arena, allowing them to be used by equestrians that do not have the luxury of a large arena.
National Tests 19-USEF-Training-Level-Test-1Download 19-USEF-Training-Level-Test-2Download 19-USEF-Training-Leve…. Connecticut Dressage Association Sponsored Schooling Show Opening Date:. 19 USDF Introductory Test A 4.
Limited to horses at training and first levels only. The websites below can be useful learning tools to accompany the definitive tests:. If you require next day delivery, please ring the shop.
19 USDF Intro to Second Level, USEF Eventing Tests to Preliminary, Western Dressage. 19 USEF Dressage Test Score Sheets & 13 Rider Tests. NAWD test directives are designed to reward horses and riders that are new to dressage;.
Effective 12/1/19 - 11/30/22. Between K & A Medium walk 5. 17 WDAA Western Dressage Tests for ALL BREEDS Tests remain in effect for at least 4 years from the “Title Year” printed on each test.
USEF Dressage test diagrams for Intro through Fourth level. (- ) TOTAL POINTS:. 19 USEF Training Level Test 1 8.
The horse and rider should also demonstrate a 4 second halt in the test. First Place Southern Equestrian Association USDF Intro Test C. 19 USDF INTRODUCTORY LEVEL- TEST C WALK-TROT-CANTER REQUIREMENTS:.
18 USEF Eventing Dressage Tests, Test of Choice 2. Choose from A5 test sheets, laminated A5 test sheets and diagrammatic test plans for each test number and level. Documents DI Intro A 17.pdf (76.16 KB) No Description.
From 1/1/18 the only FEI tests which are valid and to be used by Clubs and Organising Committees are the FEI tests as in the link below. Class 3, Western Dressage Intro Test 3 - Fri, May 24, 19 Ent # S 910Alianna Hope Last Call Jr/Yg Rider Gwen Ka'awaloa (C) Place Rider Horse Total % Class 8, Western Dressage Basic Test 1 - Fri, May 24, 19 Ent # 1 956Anne Bennier Invite to Invest Jr/Yg Rider 64.792% (1) 64.792% Gwen. Accuracy of test) 1 FURTHER REMARKS:.
19 USEF THIRD LEVEL TEST 3. 19 USEF Training Level Test 1 6. These tests contain mainly straight lines, m circles and -meter half circles in the working.
For all CDI events please use the FEI Dressage tests located on the link below. September 18, Judges:. Accuracy of test) 1 FURTHER REMARKS:.
Para-dressage Tests Young Horse & Pony tests. 1 IMPULSION Desire to move forward, elasticity of the steps, suppleness of the back, and engagement of the hindquarters. Level Tests CCN65-S L1 – L5 CCN80-S/L L1 – L5 CCN95-S /L L1 – L5, A1 – CCN105-S/L A1 – A5 & B1, , B4.
The tests have been designed to encourage correct performance and to prepare the horse for the transition to the USEF tests. 19 USEF First Level Test 1 9. Riders who have qualified for the championships at any level (Intro C and above) are automatically qualified to enter the Dressage Seat Equitation Championship class OR by obtaining a 68% or higher in a DSE class during the qualifying season.
The new tests are aligned with the FEI tests of that level. Our Western Dressage Tests+ Read More. Ground poles Cross Rails:.
Introductory Level Western Dressage Requirements. The previous set of tests were reviewed and new tests bought in. 13 Moira Danzig Magical Daydream Introductory Walk-Trot Test C 19 JR/YR 139.5 69.750% 1 25 Sonja Frederich Ducati Introductory Walk-Trot Test C 19 JR/YR 133.0 66.500% 2 18 Emily Rickert Ali Whoops Introductory Walk-Trot Test C 19 Adult Amateur 125.5 62.750% 1 Western Dressage Intro & Basic (C) Foote,.
To be deducted Errors of the course and omissions are penalized 1st Time = 2 points 2nd Time = 4 points 3rd Time = Elimination SUBTOTAL:. Middle TN Hunter Jumper Association. The introductory level is comprised of 3 tests.
19 USDF Introductory Level Test C 5. F – E Free walk 6. The below tests are effective from December 1, 18 through November 30, 22.
By assisting and educating competitors, event organizers and officials;. Master the 19 USEF and USDF Introductory through Fourth Level dressage tests, learn from the best, and reach your goals faster with access to videos of each test with judge and trainer commentary, test tips, level-relevant training tips, and more. 19 USEF Training Level Test 3 8.
See link for more information. E – H Medium walk 7. Prices start from 50p.
Suitability to Become a Dressage Horse (W/T/C) Horse may not show in any W/T only classes. Each level builds upon the preceding level’s principles. Diagrams and Call Sheets for 19 Dressage Tests (pdf) Please feel free to use these diagrams for personal use.
They may be shared with friends, students and trainers. Riders can qualify for the DSE Championship class in 2 ways:. B E Turn right and over X transition to walk for 2-5 steps followed by a.
Accuracy is not guaranteed. 19 USEF Training. 19 USDF Introductory Level Test A 3.
The Digital Horse Dressage is our focus, Dressage tests and Eventing tests and Exercises for riding horses and dressage. To be ridden in a snaffle. C B Turn right in working trot.
B Circle right meters, working trot rising 9. The 19 USEF/USDF Dressage Tests continue to serve as a measure of the horse and rider’s schooling and training, while each level builds upon the preceding level’s principles. 19 USDF Introductory Test C 6.
10 Quality of turn.

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